the logo of the Healig Dance Institute is symbolic of the depths below the surface and of the light, it contains the wave, the circle and the spiral sacred forms
Beauty, grace,
Peace, safety,
Take a class...
go underwater...

Healing Dance®

Welcome to the world of Healing Dance. The Healing Dance Institute is a team of teachers dedicated to spreading this unique form of aquatic bodywork. Having no brick and mortar location, we hold seminars worldwide in private homes, hotels, spas and clinics--wherever suitable pools with a standing water depth and warm 35° C. water are to be found. Feel free to browse through our site, if you are curious. Maybe you will want to try out a session or learn how to do it.

a move done on the surface

This excerpt from the Healing Dance I instructional video shows the Hip Wave, one of Healing Dance's iconic moves. The voice-over explanation contains aquatic jargon such as "Near Hip",  "Far Shoulder" and "Godzilla Steps", as well as anatomical and kinesiological terminology, all of which is learned in the trainings.  There is a science lying behind this holistic art.

a move done underwater

This instructional video from the underwater course, Shape & Space, shows the Off Shoulder Somersault. The orange "F" in the lower right-hand corner means it is a Father Dive, that is, submerging with the receiver rolling away from the giver. Can you figure out why one move is called the Leg Aikido Corkscrew?

Click on any teacher's picture to read their full bio.

Meet our Teachers

Healing Dance teacher Michael Hallock lives and works on the Indonesian island of Baliportrait of Healing Dance teacher Bodhi Sambhava at the side of the poolClairez Muskopf, Healing Dance teacher, lives on the Big Island in HawaiiHealing Dance teacher Sarah Reynolds has an impressive background in the healing artsportrait of Healing Dance teacher Monika Veermann who lives in GermanyDeb Evangelista, Healing Dance teacher, lives out on the Front Range in Colorado in Longmontportrait of Healing Dance teacher Rui Granja from PortugalHealing Dance teacher Theri Thomas lives in San Diego

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"Receiving the work…. has opened rivers of energy in me. Emotionally… also memories come up. I feel change within."   T. A.

"I thought we’d be learning techniques for aquatic bodywork and I was instead shown a fabulous path to self-realization..."  C. S