Like other therapeutic modalities, Healing Dance has a certification program. Unlike any other aquatic technique, Healing Dance features separate surface and subaquatic certifications, the Practitioner Certification and the Underwater Practitioner Certification, respectively. They are issued through the Healing Dance Institute and recognized by the Worldwide Aquatic Bodywork Association (WABA). These two certifications are...
...distinct from each other, although there is some overlap in the required trainings. In length they are similar to other training programs, about 500 hours of class time, consisting of the core water trainings and the supplemental land trainings. The aim of the certifications is to produce well-rounded practitioners who have not only technical competency but an understanding of the structure and workings of the body, including its limits and vulnerabilities. The land-based bodywork requirements ensure a more informed quality of touch as well as the emotional depth necessary to accompany clients in their feeling processes. For further details download the pdf of the International Logbook here or scroll down to the flowcharts for the Practitioner and Underwater Practitioner certifications.